пʼятниця, 14 серпня 2015 р.


У березні 1984-го року Артур Кларк надіслав редактору журналу Analog цю коротку історію. За словами самого Кларка, то був його перший короткий твір за дуже багато років. У ньому лише 31 слово. Його опублікували у травневому номері Analog. 

субота, 8 серпня 2015 р.

Liz Worth - Osso

You were once a hunter,
or so you said on bended knee,
bending me, lips to feathers
the day we found the dead crow
on the doorstep,
halted reincarnation.
You took up a beat to
release the spirit from its bones:
Its eye an oil painting,
relief realized in rigor mortis.

Josh Romig - To Do List

Wake up earlier

Jon Henson - mysterious main character

Two cops, a rookie and a grizzled vet, pursue a chaos of meaningless phrases in a Protozoan roadhouse.  
They are found in both fresh and sea water and they feed through cilia that cover their bodies.
The theory behind these sumptuous images is an interactive online course for everyone.
An interactive introduction for everyone to the third polluted stream of basic HTML: the Wikipedia model of man.

The man leads you out of town and walks for about ten minutes.
Afterwards, you arrive at the Prologue.
This entity is actually a one celled organism.
Hundreds, even thousands, can be found in a single drop of water.
This page is a part of a computer drawing of a wretched self-complacency with the parts tagged; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around.

When you spin the community of young people across America, learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills,
the home page owner insists that possible visitors respect his creation - so it is only natural to expect the same in return.

Many of the footer designs in the gallery of footers already include the page number as part of the content.
They already include the same number of chromosomes as an outline of one part of the world overlaid on another part of the world.

When a North Korean diplomat embarrasses himself in front of a book that has been read but is in good condition,
maybe the reverse process is true: Falling into a puddle face down after a fight in a conceptual climate model.

An evolutionary biology professor at Harvard spends her time studying how the human head and foot have evolved in spite of the contributions of America’s tabloids.
Any change in this dense metropolis requires a sacrifice of the only part of the "<HEAD></HEAD>" that is normally visible,
a link to a dataset of tweets manually annotated with part-of-speech tags.

This technique is commonly used to blur faces in order to protect the subjects’ identities: Three organic children, one electronic husband, a dash of scientific socialism.
Snapshot attractors, hysteresis in extreme events, especially in biblical usage, invoke this phenomenon of preferring
the faster growth supporting executive privilege with audio pronunciations.

The transformation of the mycelium into religious codes and commandments becomes widespread.
In other words the lowest form of science we can study is that of the science of western management.

What keeps time moving forward?
A drop in global oxygen levels may have led to air-breathing marine animals 375 million years ago amidst the alchemy of sexual energy.

This crumbling world now lies atop a special fucking pyramid of regret.
With no breaks between the tracks, it reads like a biography, with air as its mysterious main character.

The last gasp can terrify or emancipate all the organisms involved in the program, no matter their sites of interest or areas of research.

пʼятниця, 7 серпня 2015 р.

Michael Craig-Martin

Abidin Dino - Saman Sarisi illustration

Angelo Testa. Textile design, drawing. “The Dance.” 1950s

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert klippel

Robert Motherwell

понеділок, 29 червня 2015 р.

Tom Phillips Here We Exemplify 1967–8

Jonathan Borofsky

Jack Smith - Written Activity No.7

Ben Nicholson - Foxy and Frankie

Fiona Banner


John Murphy

Andrew Herman

Bridget Riley