пʼятниця, 28 червня 2013 р.

GX Jupitter-Larsen

Artist/writer/film-maker GX Jupitter-Larsen is based in Hollywood, California. Much of GX's visual & conceptual work is a self-created lexicon consisting mainly of personalized units of measurement such as the polywave, the totimorphous, and the xylowave. Forget about metric conversion, this is GX conversion. The polywave is his own personal meter. All nations and cultures direct their participants to conform to a master narrative, as if its story was the only one worth measuring. GX has his own story to recount, and that's where the polywave and totimorphous come in. They are the meters he uses to measure his life.

Felino A. Soriano - from Of isolated limning 4

within noon, a theory

of whistled bodies



                                    synonymous, segregated
freed though an afterward component of composed


hour of specialized devotion:                          corporeal continuities the
flames introspective meaning
, long-away into a prism’s centered
affirmation, aimed

четвер, 27 червня 2013 р.

Tutti Ripieno's SCANNED HANDS

Volodymyr Bilyk & Mike Cannell

Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino

This poem, “()*+4#2+56$#0#2,” is a stochastic traduction of the poem “Go twenty-seven” and is included in the series Go Mirrored (Go in the Stochastic Era.  Go Poem into Eidograph.) collected in Six Comets Are Coming (E·ratio Editions, 2009). 


Go and Go Mirrored by Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino

Ruud Janssen

Андрій Антоновський. ІШРІВ ІВОН.