Показ дописів із міткою conceptul writing. Показати всі дописи
Показ дописів із міткою conceptul writing. Показати всі дописи

четвер, 19 вересня 2013 р.

Slim Gaillard - Vout-O-Reenee Dictionary

В гурту Minutemen була пісня History Lesson Part 2 . Так-от. Жив-був джазмен Слім Гал'яр. Він писав круті пісні. Про нього, в решті решт, написав Джек Керуак. Слім був знаний за свої вокалізи та вміння грати словами. З часом вони трансформувалися в окрему мову під назвою Vout. Пізніше він видав її словник.

вівторок, 17 вересня 2013 р.

Rachel Defay-Liautard - The I with

Пам'ятаєте, в Енді Воргола були мультипльовані портреті. Наприклад, портрет Мерілін Монро. Так от, цей твір є текстуальним відображенням цього методу. Хоч і не має формальних зв'язків із наведеним прикладом. Цифрове фото картини Йогана Вермеєра, що знаходиться на сервері Wikimedia, багаторазово повторювані посилання на котре знаходяться за цією адресою http://bastardisaddic-13.blogspot.fr/2008/12/13.html. Це вірш руху посилань. Місць, де посилання знаходяться і до чого вони відправляють.

Toshi Ichiyanagi

неділя, 25 серпня 2013 р.

Patrick Collier - GIST

Patrick Collier is a visual artist and arts writer living in rural Oregon, U.S.A.

His series,“Gist” arises out of a long-standing observation of the forms words take on a page as an effect of the typesetting, which when isolated from the manuscript, create a new body of text that paraphrases the original or creates new, albeit tangential ideas. Every “Gist” is presented as a photograph in order to document the find.

пʼятниця, 16 серпня 2013 р.

Andrea Leonessa - NENIA

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this.isLooping = isLooping;
this.isLooping = isLooping;
this.isLooping = isLooping;

this.isLooping = isLooping;

четвер, 25 липня 2013 р.

in vain procrastination.

Nico Vassilakis - A tube of glass and fog. String moves.

A tube of glass and fog. String moves.

String gestures without repetition. Speed and unattainable language. Undulation for a second. Thousands of years ago, the string assigned the position of recognizable alphabet. We are far behind now, so much permutation of language possibility happens.

= = =

If there's anything left to say or write, it's notes and observations toward a future language event. That one place, a language retrieved from morphing, where alphabet is made of string in wind or atop fast water, where we have not been or been for awhile. The pulsating document unable to still is not a museum, cannot live held in place. I'm loathe to embrace the manifestos of the before time, as they were constant realignments to what will always be just ahead. Yes, language usage adjusts over time, but what I suggest is language that never repeats.

= = =

We are incapable, we cannot comply to a new paradigm without using old tools, and so are destined for failure. What are new tools? How will we know something before it's invented? What is this language doing to us? This new thing, it won't be revolutionary, it won't tamper or adjust or topple the existing norm, it will entirely replace and leave no trace of what came before. There will be no slow ramping up toward change, it will happen in a moment. Language will no longer be written or remembered, no stories told from one generation to another.

= = =

Perhaps they'll say, it was our desire to blend language and technology that brought on our demise. It started with the urge to document the said, the first time they merged. Of course, there'll be no way to say this thing I'm saying now, no words, no sequence of letters, nothing will be uttered or conveyed in recognizable forms.

= = =

Staring is a primitive liaison to the system of communication that's in store.

= = =

The brain wanted more and more immediate information about its external conditions, so it created the nervous system and all the senses. An accustomed fiction we all engage in - that could be what our senses are - only one way of doing things.

= = =

This was dreamt once, and only once, by the person who switched off this way of seeing and hearing language and enabled the new way to happen. Even the geological record of our previous existence is not in play.

= = =

We are an off planet language.